How can the Mondragon Cooperatives, the Solidarity and Green Economies, with an assist from Gramsci and Marx, clear pathways to a new socialism of the 21st century?
Get a copy of Carl Davidson’s new book on the topic:
New Paths to Socialism
The Mondragon Cooperatives and 21st Century Socialism
- Mondragon Diaries: Five Days Studying Cutting-Edge People and Tools for Change
- 'One Worker, One Vote:' US Steelworkers to Experiment With Factory Ownership, Mondragon Style
- Green Party Mayor of Richmond, California Signs 'Letter in Intent' with Spain's Mondragon Coops
- There Is An Alternative: Market Socialism with Radical Democracy
- Green Jobs Meets the Solidarity Economy: A Dynamic Duo for Changing the World
- Green Jobs and Class Struggle: A Memo for the Working Class Studies Association
- Alinsky vs. Arizmendi: Redistribution or Control of Wealth In Changing the World
- Eleven Talking Points On 21st Century Socialism
- Jossa: Gramsci, Economic Theory of Worker Cooperatives and the Transition to a Socialist Economy
- Jossa: Excerpts from ‘Marx, Marxism and the Cooperative Movement’
- Schweickart: Is Sustainable Capitalism Possible? The Case of China
- $15 from Changemaker Publications.